MSPC Newsletter - Term 2 Week 4, 18th May 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Many of you will have attended the Mount St Patrick musical production of Back to the ‘80s. The parents of students involved will be aware of the many, many hours of practice that went into preparing for this fantastic event. The staff who led the musical did a tremendous job and we are so grateful to them. The positive vibe in the Gilbey Centre audience was generated by the students’ performance and they brought us so much joy. The many ‘80s pop culture references were certainly enjoyed by those of us who lived through it. I watched the faces of the performers and could see how much fun they were having. I was reminded of a quote from Ricky Gervais,
“Happiness is amazing. It's so amazing it doesn't matter if it's yours or not”.
I was happy because they were happy. I am proud to be principal of a College that is willing to work to give others joy. I often say to the students, “it’s not about you, it’s about us”. “You” being the individual, “Us” being the whole community. It is a counter-cultural thought that we do things for others, but a goal we are proud to pursue. It is also consistent with the lessons of the Presentation Sisters and, of course, of the gospels. This giving to others makes us feel good as well, so it is really a win win. I have received many positive comments from our community about the event. One mother emailed me to say that they had a playlist of all the songs on high rotation at their house. I hope that many students who saw the musical are inspired to put up their hands for the many opportunities that we have in this community. I know the students that were involved will remember the joy for their entire lives.
Another positive community event was the Mother’s Day Breakfast last Friday 12th May. Flowing on from the musical there was such a strong welcoming community feeling. I thank the families that could be present and hope that mothers throughout our community were spoiled all weekend. I thank the staff and students who prepared the food, prayers and flowers for this event.
It is often overlooked that there is a season of Easter following Jesus’ resurrection and leading to his ascension into heaven. We are currently in the sixth out of seven weeks. I read in the Sacred Space prayer book this week that without the resurrection, Jesus was a great man, who did extraordinary things for others and taught us many wonderful lessons. With the resurrection, the most extraordinary event is true, that God really became man, lived amongst us, died and rose for our salvation. As Christians this is what we believe and are grateful for.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Congratulations to Nagle students and staff on the celebration of their feast day for 2023.
There was a presentation of their icons and history in a special prayer at the last College
Assembly. The students spoke well and were obviously proud of their heritage as the ‘Gold
Rush’ as the following photos attest:
Nagle Feast Day
Thanks to those parents who completed this survey which closed at the end of last week. Mr
Reidy will provide feedback to students, staff and parents when the Report containing
analysis of the de-identified aggregated data comes back to the College this week.
What a lovely celebration of all the wonderful female role models in our community! Loreto
House and the Hospitality staff and students prepared a delicious and varied breakfast, a
prayer and presented chrysanthemums. Those pictured below are really enjoying the occasion
Mother's Day Breakfast
Come along and celebrate with members of these houses at the Sacred Heart Church in
Murwillumbah this Saturday evening 20 th May. Students and staff will be involved in the
Mass and will provide a warm meal following Mass in the College Learning Hub, located
next to the Church. We look forward to seeing you.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Each Year 11 students have the opportunity to participate in Street Retreat,a service retreat, which takes place in Brisbane. We can only take 6 students. This experience will form, equip and empower the participants to return to their school and parish communities with a passion for social justice and a greater sense of the call of Jesus Christ to serve the poor. Participants will find the activities on the street retreat challenging and possibly confronting. Many activities run either very late at night or very early in the morning. The retreat will culminate in a celebration of Sunday Eucharist. In addition, all participants must commit to a follow up Social Justice activity to be held in their own parish/school community following the Brisbane formation experience. Details of these activities will be made available to students upon their selection. Applications close this Friday 19th May. Students have been emailed instructions regarding the process of application
Year 9 and 10 Ministry Classes, and well as senior leaders, have been invited via compass to attend the SHINE event in Term 3. Students and parents have been emailed regarding this event. Could parents please complete the online compass consent form ASAP, in particular the dietary requirements and additional questions. The CSO is needing numbers very soon! This is a compulsory event for all students in the Year 9 and 10 Ministry classes. More information will be given to students later in the term.
Festa Christi is a gathering for selected Year 8 students from parish secondary schools in the Diocese to celebrate their faith at a Diocesan level. The two-day retreat experience involves activities that focus on ‘walking in another person’s shoes’, having the students overcoming their fears and gaining a greater awareness of social justice. Festa Christi allows time for prayer and reflection and concludes with the celebration of the Eucharist. The program has been geared to meet the needs of Year 8 students. The gathering will be an overnight experience which will allow relationships to be built with other students from throughout the Diocese, as well as a chance for students to talk and share about their faith journey.
What: Festa Christi – a youth gathering for students from every parish school in the northern region of the Diocese.
When:Boy’s Retreat: Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd August, 2023 (7 places available).
Girl’s Retreat: Wednesday 3rd – Friday 4th August, 2023 (7 places available).
Where: Coffs Coast Adventure Centre, Bonville
Cost: Nil. All transport, food and accommodation expenses will be met by the Catholic Schools Office.
Students interested in applying need to see Halle or Eliza, our Mission Assistants, to get an application form.
Due date for applications is Friday 9th June.
God Bless,
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Mt St Patrick College is a good school because it focuses on Learning and Teaching and high expectations. During this week students throughout the College are focused on learning and preparing for their Term 2 assessment tasks. The Assessment Portal has all details of the assessment tasks and students are encouraged to start preparing early and not to cram. The students have been provided with an assessment schedule. Year 7 continue with formative tasks whereby teachers lead them through the assessments to give the students an opportunity to gradually improve. Year 8-12 have formal assessment blocks where by the focus during their allocated week is preparing and completing the tasks. Year 11 and 12 students only attend school during their assessment week when they actually have a task.
At last week’s Assembly Year 12 were presented with their Academic Excellence certificates and Merits to reward students for their efforts. Academic Excellence certificates are awarded to the students who are currently placed first in the subject. Academic Merits are awarded to 2 students in each class by the teacher for a variety of reasons. It could be for achievement or effort. Congratulations to all the award winners and we encourage all students to aim to achieve the best they can.
Year 11 have just returned from their Outdoor Education Camp and from all reports enjoyed working together to conquer the challenges. Our most successful year groups are the ones who collaborate and help each other to achieve their goals. Thank you to the staff members who took time away from their families to accompany the students on their journey. This week Year 11 Hospitality students are attending Work Placement. This is a valuable experience for these students as they get on the job training. We thank those businesses who have provided our students with this opportunity. Year 11 Design and Technology also participated in an excursion to Sydney to view the HSC exhibition of excellent major works- Shape. It is so important for Mt St Patrick College to take up these opportunities to see the level of other students and to experience learning activities that are normally easily accessed by Sydney schools. Thank you to Mr Keogh and Mrs Lewis for accompanying the students and providing them this opportunity.
Our first Parent/Teacher/Student conferences will take place next week on Tuesday 23rd May for year 11 and 12. A compass notification will be released this week for parents to book an interview time with teachers. These are important opportunities for the College and home to work together to achieve the best academic outcomes.
This week Principal Janelle Dickman visited our College to work with our Leaders of Learning about our Professional Learning Teams. Janelle accompanied the Leaders of Learning on Learning Walks around the College to view how the teachers are using the physical environment to help students to learn. Through our Lynn Sharratt learning collaborative the staff are utilising the ‘third teacher’ to provide students with another place to help with their learning. Students can go to the walls to view success criteria and see how they can improve their understanding. Janelle was impressed with the progress and offered suggestions to improve further. Thank you to Mrs Chaffer our Leader of Pedagogy for initiating this visit. It was a valuable experience.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching
Thank you to all for your support of the College’s expectations. A reminder of what we ask of our students in terms of uniform and presentation is listed below:
- The length of girls’ skirts is to be just below the knee when the wearer is standing upright.
- eye make-up, false eyelashes and foundation are not permitted
- dress uniform shoes are to be polishable traditional black leather lace-up shoes with hard toes, ridged sole and a raised heel
- no extremes in hair colour, cut or style (The College Executive has the discretion to determine what is “extreme”)
- boys and girls with hair extending beyond their collar are to have it tied back at all times
- all boys are to be clean shaven
- facial piercing, including nose rings, keepers and band aid covers are not permitted
- false nails (including natural colour) and nail polish are not permitted
- Quality joggers with cushioning of the sole and good ankle support are required for sport and PE. Skate shoes, Vans, flat-soled and slip-on canvas shoes are not acceptable as they do not provide support and stability.
Our eight Houses are doing very well. At the last College assembly, the students were given a progressive total for the year so far. Everything we do at the College is contributing to our Champion House Trophy which will be presented to the winning House at the end of Term 3 (before Yr 12 leave).
The points score so far stands at:
Louise Shields
Leader of Welfare
As Years 8 to 10 students are moving towards their assessment week, they should be revising the concepts and concepts they will be assessed on as part of their home study routine. Students are encouraged to be proactive with their learning and if they are unsure of content or expectations, they should discuss this with their teacher to seek clarification.
Students can access all information regarding their assessments via the Assessment Portal which is found on the MSPC Moodle Site. Students need to use their school log in to access this.
Year 12 students and Year 11 Accelerated students have been advised that the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has published the 2023 HSC Timetable and this is available on their website, along with information for practical and performance subjects and language oral examinations. Students can find important information and web links on the year page of the MSPC Assessment Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: The following is an assessment overview for Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 2. Students should check their assessment calendar on the portal for accuracy and to ensure that changes have not been made since publishing this guide.
Upcoming assessment blocks are as follows:
Year 8: Week 5 22/05/23 - 26/05/23
Year 9: Week 6 29/05/23 - 02/06/23
Year 10: Week 5 22/05/23 - 26/05/23
Year 11: Week 8 13/06/23 - 16/06/23
Year 12: Week 7 05/06/23 - 09/06/23
The Assessment Policy is detailed on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page:
If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task. For Years 10, 11 and 12 a medical practitioner is required to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this document can be found on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
A copy of the Assessment Rules is included below for your information.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
On Wednesday,10th May, a group of 102 Year 11 students and 10 staff members embarked on their first outdoor education camp. This year marked a departure from previous camps, which were only attended by Senior PDHPE students, all students were given the opportunity to participate in the challenging outdoor activities with specially designed activities for the PDHPE and Sport Lifestyle and Recreation classes.
Over the course of the expedition, the three classes of SLR and the PDHPE class were tasked with completing a walk-through style journey to a remote camping site, where they cooked dinner using trangia, slept in tents, participated in creek-based initiative games, and put their navigation skills to the test with a summit trail hike. Additionally, they were given the opportunity to take part in the Leap of Faith 2 and Giant Tree Climb at Mt Tamborine onsite.
The students pushed themselves out of their comfort zones and were challenged by the steepness and rough terrain of the hiking trails. Despite the difficulties they faced, most of the students enjoyed the remote campsite experience and gained a newfound appreciation for their usual creature comforts. The teachers who accompanied the students on the expedition, including Mr Tim Whitney, Ms Ellen Seller, Mr Ben O'Brien, Mr Chris Eaton, Ms Alex Lyster, and Mr Rick Van Den Driest, noted the positive impact the experience had on the students.
While the non-PDHPE and Community and Family Studies students remained onsite at the Mt Tamborine QCCC site, they were still challenged to step out of their comfort zones and support each other through a mix of high ropes and team building activities. These included the Giant Swing, Leap of Faith, Climbing Wall GPS challenge, Bush Tucker cooking, and Team Initiatives. The students were given numerous opportunities to further develop relationships with their classmates and teachers, which will serve them well as they prepare for the HSC and beyond.
Evening activities included board games, name that song, four court volleyball, pictionary, and games of trivia. The staff members who stayed onsite to supervise the students included Mrs Jody Van Den Driest, Ms Emma Loughman, Mr Hamish Bunney and Ms Simone Kendrick.
Overall, it is hoped that this experience will be one that the students will never forget, as they have been able to push themselves to new limits, build relationships, and gain a deeper appreciation for the great outdoors.
Year 11 Outdoor Education Camp
Simone Kendrick
Leader or Learning: PDHPE
Are you considering your options for Stage 6 studies? Are you curious about the ancient world and its impact on modern society? Look no further than Ancient History!
Studying Ancient History in Years 11 and 12 offers a range of benefits that extend beyond the classroom. Not only does it provide a comprehensive understanding of past civilizations and their influence on modern society, but it also develops critical thinking, research and analytical skills that are highly valued in university and future careers.
The study of Ancient History is relevant to many university courses, including law, politics, archaeology, history, and classics, among others. Having a strong foundation in Ancient History can open doors to exciting career opportunities, such as museum curator, heritage consultant, historian, or even a politician.
In addition to career prospects, the study of Ancient History promotes the development of critical thinking skills, encouraging students to ask questions, analyze evidence, and develop their own opinions. This skillset is vital in navigating the complex issues facing our world today, and will be valuable in all areas of life, from personal relationships to the workforce.
Studying Ancient History also provides a unique opportunity to explore the rich cultural heritage of the ancient world. Students will learn about the art, architecture, mythology, and religion of past civilizations, gaining a deeper understanding of the world we live in today.
At Mt St Patrick College, Ancient History is taught by experienced and passionate teachers who bring the subject to life through interactive and engaging lessons. Students will have the opportunity to explore ancient artifacts, analyze primary sources, and participate in class discussions that encourage critical thinking.
So why not choose Ancient History for your Stage 6 studies? It’s a subject that offers a wealth of benefits, both in terms of academic and personal development. With its relevance to university courses and career opportunities, studying Ancient History is a wise investment in your future.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact Ms Blazek.
Aimee Blazek
Leader or Learning: HSIE
Ty Lockwood attended the first ever state trial for Under 16 NSWCCC Basketball which was held at the Sutherland Sharks Basketball Association on Tuesday 9th May. The day saw over 40 players from across the state participate in a skills and drill session followed by games. From here a final team of 10 was named with Ty in the team. Avid readers of “From the Sports Desk” may have followed Ty’s basketball journey over the past 2 years. This is a magnificent achievement and the culmination of many weeks, and months of hard work and dedication.
Ty will now attend the All Schools event in Sydney in early June.
We wish Ty all the very best as his basketball journey continues. Watch this space.
Mount Saint Patrick College emerged victorious in the AFL Queensland Schools Cup at Byron Bay's Cavanbah Centre on Friday 5th May. Conditions were perfect being a sunny day with dry conditions. They won their first game against Saint Josephs College, Banora with a score of 28-14 and comfortably defeated Kingscliff High School 34-2 in their second game. In a closely contested Grand Final, they faced tough opposition from Lindisfarne and emerged as winners with a score of 23-14.
Congratulations to Mount Saint Patrick College on their outstanding achievement. The boys played in great spirit and represented the College extremely well. Awesome work to our captain Charles Elliot who won MVP for the day.
Jake Hetherington (Coach)
Mount Saint Patrick College showcased their talent and determination in the Q Schools Street Smart Cup Senior Girls tournament. With victories over St Joseph's College, Banora and Kingscliff High School in the pool stages, they made a lasting impact. Despite falling short in the final against Lindisfarne, Mount Saint Patrick College's performances were exceptional.
In the pool stages, Mount Saint Patrick College dominated against St Joseph's College, displaying great cohesion and securing a well-deserved victory. They continued their winning streak against Kingscliff High School, showing resilience and teamwork in a challenging match.
In the highly anticipated final against Lindisfarne, Mount Saint Patrick College demonstrated their defensive strength but couldn't prevent the opponents from scoring.
Mount Saint Patrick College's journey in the tournament highlighted their skill, teamwork, and resilience. Their victories in the pool stages showcased their ability to compete at a high level. While the final outcome was not in their favour, Mount Saint Patrick College can be proud of their achievements and use this experience as motivation for future success.
Miss McHugh and Ben Wightley (Coach)
The College team left their mark at the Lismore Hockey Tournament with a series of impressive victories. The team's diversity in age proved to be an asset, with the younger players stepping up and the older ones providing a solid backbone. The team played four games in total, winning against Trinity 3-0, St. Mary's Casino 9-0, St. Joseph's Banora 5-0, and playing a nil-all draw against Woodlawn College Lismore.
Kiana McCabe, Ava McCabe, and Bailey Kirby led the charge in the halves, setting up plays and creating opportunities for the attacking mids, Ulani Uhlmann and Ayla East. The two young stars demonstrated their speed and precision, outrunning their opponents and slotting the ball past the goalkeeper. Lillian Corby led the striking line, with Kiani Byrnes and Yohanna Uhlmann providing some skillful assists and proving to be too skillful for opponents.
Ava Parsons, Matilda Stuart and Mia Harvey formed a solid backline with their strategic positioning and tight man to man marking left goalkeeper, Ari Sampson-Jones barely needing to touch the ball.
Overall, our girls' hockey team's success at the Lismore NRCC Tournament was a testament to their skill and teamwork. The team's cohesive play and strategic set pieces saw them score goal after goal.
We wish the girls best of luck at the upcoming NSWCCC championships in Bathurst where they will undoubtedly face an array of talented hockey players and are set to play some challenging games.
Ellen Seller (Coach)
In conditions which promise to be vastly different from what this team expects to experience in little over a week’s time when in Bathurst, the Boys team participated in the NRCC event on a magnificently warm day in Lismore.
4 Games, 3 wins and a close loss. A good result with only 10 players being able to attend.
Game 1 saw us play some skilful hockey and slot 3 goals in the back of the net. Fantastic stick skills and ball control penetrated the Woodlawn defence.
Game two, after the draw needed to be redone due to Grafton teams pulling out without notice, saw us face Trinity. The game ebbed and flowed, our midfield of Vann O’Keefe, Patrick Corby, Jack O’Shea and Simon Smith repelled many attacking raids and turned the Trinity attack around. Unfortunately we just could not convert the many opportunities that were created. As is the case in sport so often, when you don’t convert, the other team does and our strong backline of Ben Hendrikse and Ty Loughman, who had stopped many attacking raids, were simply outnumbered once too often, and we gave up our only goal of the day.
Games 3 and 4 saw us take away wins against St Mary’s Casino 3 - 0 and Xavier College Skenners Head 2 - 0. Our forward line Callum Johnston, Isaac East and Harrison Harvey never stopped running all day, creating space and putting themselves into great attacking spaces causing trouble for the defence.
With our 1 loss and goal percentages, our boys finished second on the day but gained invaluable game time for our upcoming trip to the NSWCCC Championships.
Bring on Bathurst!
Tim Whitney (Coach)
The boys Bill Turner Cup team travelled to Lindisfarne for Round 3 of the competition. The boys got off to a great start, and were in control of the match in the early stages. Throughout the first half both teams created some good opportunities, and with a classy finish Elijah Keyes put MSPC in front going into half-time 1-0.
Lindisfarne came out highly motivated in the second half and maintained possession for long periods. This enabled them to equalize mid-way through the half, and go 2-1 up late in the match after a loose ball in the box was headed in.
With 5 mins to go MSPC threw caution to the wind and pushed defenders higher up the pitch, and created some good opportunities. Unfortunately Lindisfarne were able to get a 3rd goal late on the counterattack, the match finishing 3-1.
Well done to all the boys involved in the Bill Turner Team in 2023.
Dean Bressan (Coach)
On Thursday 11th May the Bill Turner Trophy girls kicked off to play their first game. Whilst this was Round 2 vs Lindisfarne, there was no playing of Round 1 due to a bye against Kingscliff High School. Additionally, the girls had a rocky start for the day with 4 players out.
The MSPC team started strong, whilst Lindisfarne were unrelenting from the sound of the start whistle, scoring their first goal in the first 5 minutes. MSPC held their heads high regardless of this and continued to try their best throughout the first half. Mya Andrews had some amazing full field runs and was very close to scoring a goal. Despite all efforts, by half time the score was 4-0.
After some feedback and a whole lot of oranges the team was ready to blast off again.
Mya Andrews continued to shine with outstanding sprints and dribbles, whilst Roxy Keogh was equally as involved as goalkeeper (stopping over 10 goal attempts throughout the game). However, Lindisfarne continued to dominate the game in the second half, increasing their lead by 7- 0 by the 15th minute. Unfortunately in the last 10 minutes, an exhausted MSPC team conceded 6 more goals. The final score was 13-0.
Congratulations to Lindisfarne. Considering we had 4 players out for this game, we were no match to their skill with the team we fielded. To the girls in the MSPC team, great effort ladies. You showed commitment at our training sessions and demonstrated excellent teamwork on the day. You tried your best on the day, and that is all any coach can ask.
Susan Waters (Coach)
After a long and arduous road trip spirits were high upon arrival at our accommodation at the base of Mount Panorama. The fog that greeted us on the morning of the competition, lifted at around midday which meant at times we were lucky to see across the pitch during our first game against James Sheehan College, Orange. A promising start saw our midfield combination of Vann O’Keefe and Patrick Corby dominate and set up several scoring attacks. 5 different goal scorers saw honours shared.
Our second game was against Trinity College Goulburn. They were big, skilled and well- drilled and a slow start saw us chasing two goals within the first seven minutes. From there we rallied, Ben Hendrikse and Ty Loughman repelled many attacking raids and Zane Booth in goals saved shot after shot. Having only the bare 11 players, fatigue started to set in and the attack suffered with limited opportunities that we did not convert. After a poor start to only concede two was a credit to the way the team lifted.
A must win game to start Wednesday morning drew us against the tall timber of the boys from Red Bend CC Forbes. These guys were huge and skilled. They only had 11 players on the field and 7 on the bench and the rotation kept them fresh. Our 11 kept fighting until the final whistle ended 8-0 to Red Bend.
At times you learn more about character from a loss than a victory. Our boys, while obviously disappointed, were able to take some consolation in knowing that all 11 boys gave 100%. Our young team has several more years of attending this tournament and hopefully we keep improving as we did throughout. Hopefully assisted by a few more players. Congratulations boys!
Tim Whitney (Coach)
A full report for the Girls team will appear in the next newsletter. Some photos of the team in action are below.
- Diocesan Cross Country will be held Friday 19th May in Grafton and a full report will be in next week's newsletter.
- Wednesday 24th May, Under 14 Rugby League Cochrane Cup, Woodlawn
- Tuesday 30th May, Country Cup Rugby League U13’s & U15’s, South Tweed
- NSW ALL Schools Swimming 1st & 2nd June
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
Year 12 Semester 1 2023 Awards
College Awards
Assisi College Awards
Year 12:Morgan O'Connor
Doyle College Awards
Year 9:Sanjay Nix
Ignatius College Awards
Year 9: Chloe Ryan
Loreto College Awards
Year 9: Olivia Bagnall
Year 10: Ava Singh
Year 11: Lara Brown
Lucan College Awards
Year 9: Taleishia Robinson
Year 10: Rachel Devoy, Estella Wong
Year 12: Hannah Davis
Romero College Awards
Year 9:Charlize Harper-Green
Year 10: Sienna Bice, Jai Brennan
Year 12: Grace Acret, Ella Rainford, Paige Rochford
College News
Back to the 80's Musical Photos
The College Lost Property is full of jumpers, unfortunately none of these have names on them. If your child has lost a jumper recently please ask them to visit Lost Property located in the photocopier room. Please ensure your childs names is clearly written on all items of clothing.