MSPC Newsletter - Term 1, Week 2, 13th February
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Welcome to the 2025 Academic year at Mt St Patrick College. I look forward to working with all the students and families to ensure all students grow in their learning this year and are engaged. The students have started well and the school is alive with enthusiasm.
Opening Assembly
It was great to welcome year 7 into our community and I hope they were motivated by the successes of the HSC class of 2024. At this first assembly it is tradition to acknowledge the extraordinary achievements of the HSC cohort of the previous year.

37 students were named on the distinguished achievers list which is a result of over 90 in an individual subject. Seven students received an ATAR over 90, placing them in the top 10% of the NSW cohort receiving an ATAR. Caitlyn Moore was announced as the Dux of Mt St Patrick College 2024 and was presented with the perpetual trophy. Nine students received nominations for their practical projects which is an amazing achievement.
At the assembly Chloe Martin delivered a speech about her learnings of being a student at Mt St Patrick College. Her main insights were the need to establish balance between academic growth and enjoying life. We wish all the students of the 2024 cohort all the best for their future endeavours and hope they continue to remain connected, letting us know of their adventures in the future.
Good morning teachers, students, parents, and fellow 2024 graduates. For those who don't know me, I'm Chloe, and am honoured to be speaking to you all today. First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate Caitlyn and Maya on their achievements over the past year, they are two of the hardest workers I know and deserve a massive congratulations. Something all 3 of us found incredibly important and an integral part in our achievements is teamwork and collaboration among our peers. As an introverted and independent individual, collaboration and teamwork are probably not strengths of mine and as a result I struggled to find fun within my studying and took everything way too seriously. Somewhere over the last 12-18 months I came out of my shell and began to take things less seriously and talk a lot more to my classmates, if you asked any of my year 12 teachers who talked the most in class they'd probably say me. Through viewing the classroom as a place of collaboration and teamwork, rather than never-ending work, I could ask for help in areas where I was weak, and could help my classmates in areas where they struggled. For example, my mathematical brain hated writing english essays, so Maya and Caitlyn and their english genius would mark my thesis statements or we'd write essays together, and I'd come up with silly but effective ways to memorise census data in religion or the significant parts of a Jewish marriage. For those in smaller classes like extension math, teamwork and collaboration is probably the most important thing, as the extension 2 math course is just a bunch of imaginary, made-up stuff and I definitely wouldn't have survived it without collectively struggling through past papers with my classmates. This collective human experience of struggle brang a slight enjoyment to studying. Of course study should be productive and you want to look back on it knowing you gave 100% but if I've learnt anything over the past year, both academically and in my training and sport, is that you have to enjoy and embrace the journey. Which is why teamwork is so pivotal when you're trying to achieve something, as well as balance. As an athlete and not getting home from training past 6pm most nights of the week, I definitely struggled with juggling the two, especially if competitions clashed with exam week, however, I certainly couldn't have survived year 12 without having something to distract myself with and turning my brain off, whether it be after school or an exam. All 3 of us believe in the importance of having some extracurricular activity or hobby outside of school, whether it be sport like me, sewing and fashion like Caitlyn, or reading like Maya. Being able to turn your brain off and do something you enjoy is a necessity in being able to stay motivated in study and prevent burnout. Year 12 or school in general can be really rough without people by your side or a hobby that you enjoy, so I hope you take on at least a little bit of our advice and embrace your high school years because they can end up being some of your favourite. To conclude and summarise, in the words of Taylor Swift, "Everything you lose is a step you take", to the class of 2024, this is not the end, but rather the end of the beginning, and time to open a new chapter; and to the class of 2025, embrace this year, it goes by very fast. Thank you.

Long Tan Awards
The prestigious Long Tan leadership Awards were presented on the assembly for Leadership,team work and Innovation. The recipients were
Year 10 Leadership - Charlize Harper-Green and Lucy Grant
Year 12 Leadership- Caitlin Bice and Keira Lesleighter

Bishop Epalle Visit
In the last week of school term 2024, Bishop Epalle Catholic school were hosted at Mt St Patrick College as part of our Sister School relationship. 25 students and teachers were hosted with very generous families and many experiences were shared. The whole school was treated to a display of beautiful dancing and the highlight was the Mass and cultural exchange at Sacred Heart Parish. Thank you to the entire community for their support of this program as two communities learn from each other. The next group of Immersion students will be notified on the weekend. 70 students applied for the program and unfortunately there are only 30 positions. I encourage the unsuccessful applicants to continue to seek out opportunities to be involved in social justice activities.

Have an awesome 2025 school year
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principal - Mission
Welcome Back
Welcome to all members of our College Community as we begin the 2025 academic year. A special welcome to our Year 7 cohort and new students in other year levels.
Ms Lara Thompson
A new addition to the teaching staff is Ms Lara Thompson who has taken on the role of Leader of Pastoral Care at the College. Lara comes to us with lots of experience in a variety of Victorian schools; a Masters in Student Wellbeing; and an energetic ‘can do’ attitude. Make a point of meeting her at the various College gatherings and functions.
Opening College Mass and Induction of Student Leaders
We look forward to celebrating our inaugural mass with the whole student and staff body this Friday at 9.30am in the Sacred Heart Church. During the mass our 26 Year 12 Student Leaders will be inducted.
Digital and Bus Safety
There are two useful articles included in this newsletter as-well-as flyers advertising online webinars designed for parents.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal Mission
Welcome to 2025 at Mount St Patrick College from the Ministry team
A warm welcome to all our students, especially our new Year 7s, and their families. It’s wonderful to have you join our College community.
Last week, all Year 7 classes participated in an Access All Areas visit to Sacred Heart Church. They explored our beautiful church, asked thoughtful questions, and learnt so much about this special place.
Thank you to the students, parents, and carers who attended the Year 7 Welcome Mass. It was a joy to celebrate together. Special thanks to Fr Peter Wood for celebrating this Mass with us, and to Amelia Alley, Leo Human, Leah Hegedus Venegas, Eden Bassett, Layla Edwards, Isabel McTaggart, Ellie Neaves, Suryah Pelegrin Clarke, Scarlett Wallis, Luke Thierjung, Sidney Pitfield, Grace Severs and Sienna Alexander who read, served on the altar, carried items in the procession, or assisted with the offertory.
We also thank our College Captains, Ewan and Makaylah, for being part of this special celebration.

Weekly Mass Opportunity
There is an opportunity for students to attend Mass every Thursday morning at 8:15 am in Sacred Heart Church. This is a shorter Mass, and students will return in time for homeroom. They are most welcome to attend and can sit anywhere they like, remembering to show respectful behaviour in this sacred space. Parents are also welcome to join us.
Important Upcoming Events
Year 12 Retreat – Camp Bornhoffen
📅 Wednesday 5 March – Friday 7 March
This retreat is a highlight of the Year 12 experience and an important event for all students. Parents and carers, please complete the online Compass consent form and payment as soon as possible.
Year 7 Transitus Retreat – Tyalgum Ridge Retreat
📅 Tuesday 25 March – Wednesday 26 March
Transitus is a unique opportunity for Year 7 students to grow in their discipleship of Jesus Christ and strengthen their transition into Catholic secondary school. There are limited places available. Interested students should see our College Youth Minister, Thomas, and complete an expression of interest form.
LEAD Conference for Senior Students
📅 Thursday 20 March – Friday 21 March
LEAD is a two-day Catholic leadership event for senior students who want to grow in their faith, strengthen their leadership skills, and deepen connections with other student leaders. We encourage all Year 11 and 12 students involved in Youth Ministry to apply.
Hi from Thomas
Hello MSPC community,
My name is Thomas McGhee, and I have been the College Youth Minister at Mount St Patrick College (MSPC) for the past year. I have spent most of my working life in youth ministry, with a passion for guiding and mentoring young people. In between, I have worked as a teacher aide, spent time on job sites, and even moved to Sydney to play rugby union — all experiences that have shaped my perspective on faith, community and personal growth.
To our new Year 7 students and families — welcome! High school is an exciting new chapter, and I look forward to getting to know you. You’ll often see me around the school, so feel free to say hello!
I attended McAuley Catholic College in Grafton and know the value of a strong school community. MSPC has been a fantastic place to be, and I’m excited for another year of faith, connection and growth.
Wishing everyone a great year ahead!
Thomas McGhee
College Youth Minister
If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards and God bless,
Grace Molloy
Leader of School Evangelisation
Pastoral Care
A warm and heartfelt welcome to the beginning of the 2025 school year! I am Lara Thompson and I step into Mount St Patrick College as the new Leader of Pastoral Care. We are beyond excited to introduce the new Year 7 students to our school community and to support our Year 12 students as they embark on their final year of secondary school. This is a time of great transition and growth for both groups, each at a different stage of their journey but united by the shared mission of embracing life.
"Embrace Life" is more than just a motto here at Mount St. Patrick College. It is a call to action and a reminder that life is a precious gift meant to be lived fully. We encourage every member of our community to step into their power, see each day as an opportunity to grow, and make a difference in the world around them. It’s about embracing every moment, learning, and moving forward with purpose.
Our college vision is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ. In John 10:10, He says, "I have come so that you may have life, and have it to the full." These words ignite our desire to live passionately, purposefully, and with joy. Jesus teaches us that we are not meant to live within limitations, but to thrive—body, mind, and spirit. As we begin this year together, we want each of you to experience the fullness of what it means to be alive and to truly embrace your time at school.
We can also look to the example of St. Patrick, who faced tremendous adversity in his life. Despite challenges, he never let fear or doubt hold him back. He embraced his purpose with faith and perseverance, showing us that with a positive mindset and trust in God, no challenge is insurmountable. St. Patrick’s example reminds us that with resilience and courage, we can all overcome obstacles and achieve our dreams, just as he did.
As we move forward in 2025, let this vision guide you. See yourself not just as a student but as someone capable of awesome greatness. Set high expectations—not just for your academic achievements, but for how you show up each day, for the kindness, bravery, and resilience you bring into the world. Strive for excellence in everything you do. Your success is intertwined with the success of those around you, so support one another and remember that kindness is a powerful tool for positive change.
Each day is an opportunity to grow closer to being the best version of yourself. Whether it’s gaining wisdom, building kindness, or strengthening your character, every step you take makes an impact—not only on your life but on the lives of everyone around you.
"Embrace Life" is not just a phrase; it’s a mission, one that empowers you to create a year filled with purpose and joy. Success begins with a mindset of positivity, with strategic effort, and with the belief in your own potential. Set yourself the goal and purpose to achieve your passions. Start this year strong by approaching each day with an open heart and the expectation that today you will rise up and attempt to be the best version of yourself.
We are here to support you every step of the way—whether through your homeroom teachers, wellbeing leaders, or school counselors. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. You have a community behind you, cheering you on as you strive to be the best version of yourself.
To our students: This is your journey - make sure that you're having fun and making yourself proud. We know you will make us proud. Embrace the opportunities ahead, work hard, and, most importantly, support one another. Together, we will make 2025 a year to remember.
Welcome back to school! Let’s make this year as amazing as you are.
Supporting your Teenage to Grow well - Online Parenting Summit
Lara Thompson
Leader of Pastoral Care
Dear students, parents and carers
The start of a new year is always an exciting time. We commenced the year with a wonderful College assembly which celebrated our 2024 Year 12 cohort on their excellent HSC results. We are so proud of their efforts, determination and their many sterling achievements. It was also a very special occasion welcoming our new Year 7 students into the College.

‘The philosopher Will Durant once sagely observed, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” A tribute publication entitled, ‘Year 12 Excellence’ has been uploaded to the College website under the ‘Year 12 Excellence page’. The publication aims to acknowledge the breadth of excellence our Year 12 students have consistently demonstrated. We are so very proud of each and every one of them and wish them every happiness and success for their future endeavours.
Starting the year in a positive manner is very important and we encourage students to be organised and ask questions if they are unsure of expectations.
A helpful checklist to assist students being organised includes:
- using the online Compass diary on a daily basis.
- ensuring the right books and materials have been packed for each lesson the night before.
- keeping track of deadlines and important dates and updating personal calendars.
- ensuring that assessments are planned for. Students are encouraged to use the assessment and study guide planners on the Assessment Portal.
- reviewing notes after class.
- finishing any incomplete work studied that day.
- established a workable home study routine and sticking to it.
- completing homework as it is due in a quiet designated space.

Assessment Notification
In the next newsletter I will publish a fortnightly overview of assessment tasks. Students can access their assessment calendar and assessment task notifications via the Assessment Portal from the main MSPC Moodle page (see screenshot below).
The Assessment Portal is located on the MSPC main page.
Once they have settled in, Year 7 and new students to the College will be shown how to access the Assessment Portal. Students use their school email account and log in to access it.

On the Assessment Portal students can access:
- Assessment Rules and their Handbook. A summary of this can be found on the main page of the Assessment Portal.
- Assessment calendars.
- Assessment tasks in subject folders.
- Handbooks that contain important information: eg. homework and assessment policies.
- Exam timetables will be uploaded here.
- Study planners.
- Assessment Variation Application Forms.
- Senior Subject Change Application Form.
- Important weblinks for seniors.
I wish all students an exciting and focused start to their 2025 learning journey.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
Welcome Back from the HSIE Department!
Welcome back to another exciting year at MSPC! We hope you had a restful break and are ready to dive into another year of engaging learning in HSIE. Whether you’re exploring ancient civilisations, debating legal issues, or uncovering the forces shaping our economy, 2025 is set to be a fantastic year of inquiry and discovery.
Exciting Opportunity for Year 10 & 11 History Students
We’re thrilled to share that applications for the 2025 Premier’s Anzac Memorial Scholarship Tour are now open! This incredible opportunity allows up to 20 selected students to embark on a study tour of the Republic of Korea and Singapore during the Term 3 holidays, accompanied by a military historian. The tour provides an immersive experience to deepen students’ understanding of Australians at war.
To apply, students must submit:
✅ A 1,000-word personal essay
✅ A letter of recommendation from their Principal and History teacher
✅ A parent/guardian permission form
Applications close on 9 March 2025 at 11:59pm. For more information and to apply, visit:
We encourage all eligible students to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your History teacher.
Looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!
The HSIE Team

Welcome to a New Year in English!
As we embark on another exciting year of learning, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all students and families joining us in the English faculty in 2025. Whether you are returning or new to our school community, we are looking forward to a year filled with rich discussions, engaging texts, and opportunities to grow as critical thinkers and effective communicators.
This year marks a significant stage in our journey as we continue to implement the new NSW 7-10 English syllabus. In 2024, we successfully introduced the new curriculum for Years 7 and 9, refining our approach to ensure a seamless and engaging learning experience. Now, in 2025, our focus shifts to implementing the updated syllabus for Years 8 and 10, as well as continuing to strengthen our delivery of the new Year 7 and 9 programs.
The revised syllabus is designed to enhance students’ literacy skills, deepen their appreciation of texts, and encourage creative and critical responses to the world around them. Some key areas of focus include:
Textual Connections: Encouraging students to make meaningful links between texts, ideas, and contexts, fostering deeper understanding.
Multimodal and Digital Literacy: Equipping students with the skills to analyse and create texts in various forms, including visual, digital, and spoken modes.
Explicit Writing and Language Study: Strengthening students’ ability to write with clarity, purpose, and sophistication through targeted instruction in grammar, syntax, and stylistic choices.
Diverse and Inclusive Perspectives: Engaging with a broad range of voices, including First Nations literature, global texts, and Australian works that reflect the nature of our society.
Our English teachers have been working diligently to develop engaging and dynamic units of work that align with these syllabus priorities. We are excited to see students explore thought-provoking texts, participate in lively discussions, and develop their skills in analysis, interpretation, and expression.
As always, we encourage families to take an active interest in their child’s English studies by discussing texts at home, fostering a love of reading, and supporting writing practice which can all make a significant impact.
We look forward to another fantastic year in English and thank you for your ongoing support in making this a valuable and enriching learning experience for all students.
Katie Pinkstone and Dana Shoobridge
Leader and Assistant Leader of Learning- English
Exciting Opportunity for Young Writers
Calling all students who want to creatively explore, get that writing edge, and connect with other word and story lovers - Byron Writers Festival Storyboard Program is coming to Murwillumbah for FREE!!!
The 5-week Creative Writing Masterclass Program starts March 6th through to April 3rd at Murwillumbah Library, running every Thursday from 4-5:30pm, and is free of charge. All high school-aged students are welcome. Numbers are limited, and registration is required. To learn more and register, please visit: Byron Writers Festival Storyboard Program
Welcome back to another exciting year in sport. To all our new students and families, a big hello and I trust that you take full advantage of all sporting opportunities the College has to offer. We are already well underway already, many events have nominations closing soon, read on for more information.
The College Swimming Carnival will be held at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre (TRAC) on Friday 28th February. This is always a great opportunity to celebrate as a community. Students are reminded of the College Swimwear Policy. Please click the link below.
More information will be shared closer to the Carnival by House Leaders and Homeroom teachers.
The Swimming carnival is free entry for all students. Parents please be advised that while spectators are welcome there is limited space available due to our tremendous attendance rates at carnivals.
Please arrive ready to swim (in cossies) as there will be limited toilet access to change until approx 11am
Traditionally parents sometimes wish to donate cakes, slices, muffins or fresh fruit on the day and if you wish to do so again we would be more than happy for this to occur. There will be staff available on the day to receive any goods. Please label all tupperware or plates with your name for return please.
Swimmers wishing to advance to Diocesan level, please be aware that it will be held Thursday 6th March. Permission notes will be issued on the Friday night after the carnival and need to be completed by Monday 3rd March.
MSPC SPORT Google Classroom
All returning students to MSPC should still be able to access the sport google classroom if they joined in 2024. All Year 7 and any new students can join this information platform about representative sports via the links below:
Or by joining using the code:
Closing very soon are the following sports which can be accessed at the link below from the Diocesan Sport webpage:
Parents will need to fill these out fully and if your child is invited to trial it will be your responsibility to get them to the event.

NSWCCC Swimming - Change to Format
CSNSW Sport has made significant changes to the format of both the Primary and Secondary events at a CCC level in 2025. The reasons for the event now becoming a 2 day event for our talented swimmers are outlined below. Families of swimmers who are aiming to make this event are asked to keep these dates in mind.
CSNSW Sport is pleased to announce the 2025 Swimming format. A format which we believe will address the following issues:
- Workload is spread for students in multiple events
- Travel time before and after for primary relays
- Carnival/ team atmosphere can be created
- Dioceses can share staffing resources across primary and secondary – this is at the Dioceses discretion.
- Families with children competing in both primary and secondary events are at venue at the same time
- Accommodates the additional NSWCCC events/heats, ensuring day is manageable.
An outline of the timetable :
DAY ONE – Wednesday, 2 April 2025
7am Pool opens
8:30am Session One – Primary events
3pm Session One concludes
3:30pm Session Two commences – Primary Relays, Secondary Relays & distance events
8pm Session Two concludes
DAY TWO – Thursday, 3 April 2025
7am Pool opens
8:30am Session Three – Secondary events
3:30pm Session Three concludes
Wednesday – 2/4/25 – Day 1
8.30am – Session One commences
Primary 200m Individual Medley
Primary 50m Breaststroke
Primary 50m Backstroke
Primary 50m Butterfly
Primary 50m Freestyle
Secondary 400m Freestyle
Primary 100m Freestyle
Finish around 3.00 including a short lunch break (up to 30 minutes).
3pm Session Break
3:30pm Session Two Commences
Primary Relays – 4 x 50m Freestyle
Secondary Relays – 4 x 50m Freestyle
Secondary Relays – 4 x 50m Medley
Secondary 200m Individual Medley
100m Backstroke
100m Breaststroke
Finish around 8.00pm.
Thursday – 3/4/25 – Day 2
8:30am Session Three commences
50m Freestyle -
Secondary – 6 x 50m Free Relay
50m Backstroke
200m Freestyle
50 Butterly
50m Breaststroke
100m Freestyle
50m Backstroke
100 Butterfly
Finish by 3.30pm, with a lunch break.
- Friday 14th Feb. Closing date for applications to trial for Dio Rugby League Boys U15 & Open, Girls U16 & Open. Closing also for u15 Boys Aussie Rules
- Wednesday 19th Feb CCC Triathlon
- Friday 21st Feb closing date for Dio boys and girls Touch trials U15 & open
- Tuesday 25th Feb Dio league Trials Lismore Soccer Trials Coffs Harbour
- Thursday 27th Feb U15 boys Aussie Rules trials Warners Bay
- Friday 28th Feb College Swimming carnival
- Tuesday 4th March Dio Individual Touch football trials, Toormina
- Thursday 6th March Diocesan Swimming Carnival, Lismore
- Thursday 13th March Diocesan Open Basketball Coffs Harbour
- Friday 21st March closing date for Diocesan U15 & Open netball trials
- Wednesday 2nd April Dio North Open Football Lismore
- Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd April NSWCCC Swimming
- Friday 4th April Dio Netball trials Coffs Harbour
- Tuesday 8th April Nick Meaney Cup Rugby League 9’s Boys and Girls
- Thursday 10th April College Cross Country
- Friday 11th April Dio Tennis nominations due for teams event
Congratulations to Yr 10 student Shiloh Hart who has been selected in the U16 girls 2025 Australian Tagaroos (Oz tag). She will compete at the ITS Championships in August. A fantastic honour to be selected to represent your country and don the Green and Gold. Well done Shiloh!

Tim Whitney
Sport Co-ordinator
College News
Mount Saint Patrick College HSC 2024
Distinguished Achievers
Jade Ashton
Mia Axford
Amanita Barnaby-Bowe
Caitlyn Bice
Freda Biles
Murray Burnett
Austen Capner
Terry Clark
Matilda Golds
Ella Harman
Madeleine Holliday
Naomi Jeffery
Nathan Johnson
Jacob Lanyon
Filippos Mackney
Chloe Martin
Zara Martin
Olivia Mason
Enya McCarthy
Kiah McCarthy
Caitlyn Moore
Alexis Pelikan
Ava Price
Maya Rogers
Liliana Salmon
Emily Simpson
Ulani Uhlmann
Alexander Wellm
Lily Yates
Top Atar
Patrick Kee
Terry Clark
Filippos Mackney
Ella Harman
Maya Rogers
Chloe Martin
Madeleine Holliday
Top Achiever Nominations
Amanita Barnaby-Bowe – Industrial Technology
Terry Clark – Industrial Technology
Lily Yates – Industrial Technology
Jude Livermore – Industrial Technology
Ava Price – Industrial Technology
Sarah Bowers – Industrial Technology
Mia Axford – Music 1
Emily Simpson – Music 1
Madeleine Holliday – Design and Technology
Top Achiever
Caitlyn Moore – Design and Technology
Special Awards
Lucy Grant – Long Tan Future Innovators Award
Caitlyn Bice – Long Tan Future Innovators Award
MSPC Perpetual Trophies
3rd Aggregate: Maya Rogers
2nd Aggregate: Chloe Martin
DUX: Caitlyn Moore
Community News